Lifestyle PT Wellness Spotlight: The benefits of Magnesium Based Skincare with Darlene Markeson

Episode 14 October 20, 2022 00:39:38
Lifestyle PT Wellness Spotlight: The benefits of Magnesium Based Skincare with Darlene Markeson
Lifestyle PT Wellness Spotlight
Lifestyle PT Wellness Spotlight: The benefits of Magnesium Based Skincare with Darlene Markeson

Oct 20 2022 | 00:39:38


Show Notes

Dr. Karen Shuler PT, DPT and Darlene Markeson discuss the benefits of magnesium products and how to achieve better health through better skincare. Darlene is the founder and creator of Reveka Skincare products. She started the company after creating magnesium-based products to help her restless leg syndrome and her husband's Eczema. Her journey and discoveries are fascinating. Enjoy!

Please note these benefits have not been evaluated by the FDA and is based on personal experience only. You can learn more about Darlene and her products at As a thank you, Darlene is offering all of our listeners 10% off of the Body Buttercream. Use the discount code SAVE10 at checkout. 

Never go against the recommendation of your physician in treating skin and medical conditions.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 Welcome to the Lifestyle PT Wellness Spotlight. Our goal is to connect you with local businesses and to assist you in living your best life. Now, introducing your host, Dr. Karen Sheila. Speaker 2 00:00:18 Hi. Welcome to the show. We wanna thank everyone for joining us today. I am sitting here with Darlene Markson, who is the owner of Rebecca Skincare. Darlene, welcome to the show. Speaker 3 00:00:30 Hi, Karen. Thanks for having me. Speaker 2 00:00:33 Well, it's great to have you with us today. Uh, Darlene, I think you've got a company that is unique and, uh, I think your story is worth telling, and so I'm excited for the audience to get to know you a little bit better and to hear your story. So why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself? Speaker 3 00:00:50 Absolutely. I'm, uh, well, I, I'm historically a special education teacher, and, um, pretty much, I've been retired for the last decade, um, 57 years old. And, um, you know how this whole thing got started, and I hate to admit how superficial it was, but it was superficial. I mean, at 57, I've tried every skincare product on the market. I really feel I have, whether it's expensive or, you know, cheap bargain, basement prices, whatever. I, I don't mind paying for stuff if I think it's gonna work. And, um, and again, at 57, I was just using these very expensive creams and I looked like the Crypto Creek keeper two hours after I used it, and I couldn't understand why. And so, um, this whole thing just started because I started researching, well, what am I using? You know, and, you know, they have all of these ingredients that nobody can pronounce, and well, what is this and what does it do? Speaker 3 00:01:48 And, uh, so, uh, as I started to research these, these different creams that, uh, you know, again, high end, low end, whatever, there's basically 2% of the effective ingredient. Most of these things and the rest are fillers and even harmful chemicals. Um, and as I started to learn about this, I, it, I, it made me angry. I was, I was really horrified. I mean, um, um, probably going off on a tangent here, but I'll, well, I'm on the topic. I mean, one of my favorites is, uh, sulfates. They're in everything. They're in your shampoo, they're in your skin cream, They're in everything. They're in your soaps. And, um, one of the things that I learned was that, uh, sulfates are actually, they're, no, the ones that are in your skincare are no different than what they use to clean heavy machinery in plants and industry. And I thought that was horrible. And so, um, yeah, you know, pretty much, yeah, I, I don't have a background in chemistry, and I'm not a chemist, but if I put my mind to something, I can usually figure out how to do it. And I'm thinking, Well, how hard could it be to make a cream? Well, Karen, it turns out it's really hard. No Speaker 2 00:03:00 <laugh> <laugh>, but you figured it out. <laugh> Speaker 3 00:03:04 It took me 18 months of intensive research and just trial whatever day in and day out. And until I, you know, I mean, I could have just gone in my kitchen and used coconut oil or whatever, but let's face it, those creams are fun, right? They're just fun to like dip your hand into this creamy wonderful and smear it on your, you know, it feels good. And I wanted that. So, um, yeah. So it took me about 18 months, but I finally got something that I really enjoyed using. And, uh, and then I just shared it with family and friends, and they shared it and so on and so forth. And before I knew it, there was Rebecca. Hmm. So, here we are. Speaker 2 00:03:42 So you've developed this product because it was, it was meeting a need for yourself. Speaker 3 00:03:48 I just really wanted to, you know, I eat clean, I exercise, and when I found out what I was putting on my skin, um, I just wasn't willing to do that anymore. I mean, what we put on our skin matters. Uh, Karen, I, I don't think it's a coincidence that eczema and psoriasis and all of these skin conditions that people go to, the doctors to buy expensive steroids for, have reached epidemic proportions and, um, synthetic fragrances and all of these other chemicals that are in these products, we're putting them on our skin every single day. And that, that cannot be good. And, uh, most people think, Oh, it's just the skin. Well, no, your skin is the largest organ on your body. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and it not what everything you put on stays on the surface. I mean, a lot of these harmful ingredients can penetrate. Speaker 3 00:04:39 And, uh, so I figured, well, okay, harmful ingredients can penetrate, let's get rid of those. And what about the good ingredients? What good ingredients can penetrate <laugh>? Which actually led me to magnesium as I was doing my research, and I started to learn more about magnesium. And it was pretty exciting. And I figured, Well, let's try it. Let's see, let's see how this works. I mean, at the time I was, um, struggling with restless leg syndrome, and it was making me and my husband miserable. And I figured, well, all right, they say that it, it calms that condition, Let's give it a shot. And I put it in my cream and couldn't believe it. And, uh, then my husband started using our soaps and, um, the cream. And he's got horrific skin conditions where he does use steroids on a regular basis, and he's off the steroids. Speaker 2 00:05:26 Wow. That's amazing. Speaker 3 00:05:27 The only place he still does use them are on his hands because they're constantly in, um, soapy dishwater. And we haven't figured out a solution to soapy dishwater yet. Speaker 2 00:05:39 Not yet, right? <laugh>? Speaker 3 00:05:40 Not yet. We're working on that, though, soon to be released. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:05:44 I know, as you're talking, that's what I was thinking, that the, you know, the skin's the largest organ in our body. And to be honest, we, you know, like you said, when we think about a clean and low toxic environment, we, I really don't think about my shampoo products, my lotions, and those types of things as, you know, being something that I need to be clean, you know, with. Um, so you bring up a very good point, and that we do absorb things through our skin. Uh, so I think you've given us a lot to think about here. Uh, you know, that's something that's so strong that can clean machinery that, you know, is gonna take all the oils and everything off of our body. Exactly. Um, so I guess before we get too much into the product, I mean, tell us a little bit about now how you started the business. Speaker 3 00:06:32 Uh, so that's basically it. I'm, I'm O C d I am, you know, definitely when I start something, I don't, I don't really know how to stop. I just am going to pursue it to the end. And I, I invested a solid three years in just researching different ingredients and different methods for, um, emulsions. And, uh, you know, I made my wishlist of things that historically, if I would've gone shopping for a cream, what did I, what did I want in that cream? What, what would make that something that I would want to buy? You know, what are some of the ingredients I believe in? And so I started researching things like niacinamide and, um, all co you know, a collagen of course, and all of these other ingredients. Um, I use this ingredient that I discovered that that was really cool. It's called dma. Speaker 3 00:07:22 It's in my face cream, and it's, uh, all natural and there's really good stuff out there. It's just required research. And so, um, yeah, I did all my intensive research, and then I thought the easy part was going to be making the cream. And, you know, without, I have to admit, you know, chemicals make it easy. They're cheap. They, they get the job done, They give you that wonderful texture, but they're horrible for you. And so I really wasn't willing to compromise what would be the point, right? I'm gonna compromise and use something just to give it a good texture. So, um, so that was the, that was the hard part. But it was fun. You know, I'm a geek. I love being in my kitchen, concocting things. And so I, I just did it relentlessly. And I have a great family. Everybody was willing to let me experiment on them. Speaker 3 00:08:11 And I'll tell you what else is really great, if they don't mind me throwing them onto the bus this way, they all have some kind of a skin condition that they've battled with. I mean, my husband, of course, we've mentioned him, but my sister-in-law's been just wonderful, you know, participants and, and, uh, they'll just use anything I sent their way. Just try this, <laugh>, they, and they did. And, uh, so I got great feedback from them as well. And it's been a, it's been a fun evolution, but I, I do think the thing that was most exciting that I'm just, I've become obsessed about is magnesium. I just, uh, it's so important. And I, I didn't know that when I started out, it wasn't the goal to start magnesium based skincare. Um, again, it was just an evolution. Um, and, uh, I, I just can't really believe the feedback we're getting from our magnesium products. And I'm really excited about it. Speaker 2 00:09:08 Well, I can't think of better testimonials than when your own family, well actually use it cuz they're usually the hardest on em, Right? So if you can please them and you can get them better, then you're usually onto something <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:09:19 That's, that's what I was hoping for. Yeah. They're not, they're not gonna lie to me. They'll tell me exactly how it is. Speaker 2 00:09:25 So for the business, what's your mission statement? Speaker 3 00:09:28 You know, just based simply enough, just better health through better skincare. Speaker 2 00:09:34 I like Speaker 3 00:09:34 That. It's not something that, um, you know, like you said, most people don't, They'll read their labels when they're buying food and they'll, you know, so many different things we think about. But, um, skincare we just take for granted. Like, you know, if it's on the shelf, what's wrong with that? You know? Um, and, uh, you know, you just assume it's safe. And there are no regulations. I mean, there regulations haven't been imposed in something like the 1920s on skincare products. I mean, there Oh wow. There's nothing out there to protect us from the ingredients in our skincare. And, uh, it's really, it's just so important. And so that's, it's kind of my mission statement and it's my mission. I just, it's very exciting, uh, to be able to bring something to the market that's just clean. There's nothing in it that, I mean it from any, anything from sensitive skin. And again, I've run the gamut. Um, you know, all different kinds of skin types and children. It's just so safe. We can, I just feel really good about it. It's just very clean. I mean, we've heard that term so many times, it's overused, but it is, it's just clean. I'd like to think mother Nature would recommend it, Speaker 2 00:10:51 That I like that point too. <laugh>. And, and, and one thing I love about your website is I think at your heart, Darlene, you love to teach and educate people you know about what you've learned. And so I know, um, let's talk a little bit about some of those things that you have learned. I know we've kind of touched on the product, but the importance of clean and natural skin care. You know, you've talked about how clean it needs to be, but could you go a little bit deeper into, you know, some of the things that are in, um, these products and, and how they're not good for us? Speaker 3 00:11:22 Absolutely. Um, so we talked about retinoids, retinoids. People think retinol is a wonderful ingredient, and, uh, it might be if you stay inside wearing a hat, if you mm-hmm. <affirmative> use products with retinoids in them and go out into the sun, it exacerbates skin cancer astronomically. Speaker 2 00:11:47 Oh, wow. Speaker 3 00:11:49 Um, yeah, I know. And then of course you have, um, the sulfate sy synthetic fragrances are alcohols. Alcohol is in everything. Alcohol is horrible. Alcohol just destroys the skin barrier. It eliminates the lipids which keep your skin moist and supple and healthy. Um, it destroys, and, and most, almost every facial cleanser has alcohol in it. Um, ironically, people with acne, so many of the products that they use to get rid of their acne dries out their skin and has alcohol in it. And here's the thing, most people that have acne, it's not because their skin is oily, it's because it's dry. Isn't that ironic? Right. And most people don't think about it is. Yeah. And so what your body's trying to do, it's trying to bring moisture to the surface. And so it makes all of that gunk that clogs your pores and makes you, and meanwhile, so what, what do they do? Speaker 3 00:12:49 You further dehydrate your skin and you just keep exacerbating the condition. And, um, all of these things, you know, um, just, I don't believe manmade products are optimal on any level. I don't believe we should eat them. I don't think our bodies know what to do with them. They're far in substances. And so you wouldn't live on a diet of fast food. Right. I mean, everybody knows that wouldn't be healthy. I mean, people tried, there was that McDonald's experiment, <laugh>, it's not a good idea. Um, but we put all kinds of synthetic things on our skin and we expect it to be okay. And it's, uh, I just don't think it is. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:13:33 What I'm hearing is, you know, a lot of times we are putting those AST stringent and things on our face, and then we're just trying to replace the moisture behind it with moisture. But it sounds like that a lot of the products we're using that then that moisture doesn't match our own body's natural chemistry. Speaker 3 00:13:50 It doesn't. That's exactly right. And it's not only just, um, you know, you're, the moisture comes from inside as well as outside, and that's what humectants do. They actually, um, if it's a good newin, they'll work to, um, draw moisture from inside your body and from the outside for optimal levels of hydration. Um, but if you're using, so glycerin is a natural humectant, we, you can eat glycerin your, you know, <laugh> people cook Speaker 2 00:14:20 With. So I'd say back up just a little bit. What's a humec that, Yeah. Speaker 3 00:14:24 Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, sure. That's okay. Uh, humectants are, um, things that draw moisture to our skin. And so, uh, very simple, very simply, if you put, interestingly enough, if you just put oil directly on your skin, um, without the use of the humectant in the oil, it'll dehydrate your skin. Oh, it, it's kind of like, and you're gonna have to help me with this because I'm drawing a blank, but if you just, Did you ever hear if you just drink water without the, um, Speaker 2 00:14:56 Like the electrolytes or Speaker 3 00:14:58 Electrolytes is the word I'm desperately seeking. Thank you. Yes. Without the electrolytes, if, if you are, uh, dehydrated or you're having a problem dehydration, and you don't get electrolytes into your system, drinking water won't actually even help. It could, you know, even further exacerbate the sy system, your skin's kind of the same thing. So, um, if you just put oil on your skin without the use of a humectant, you can actually, it'll, you can lose moisture from your skin. It can actually exacerbate the dryness of your skin. And so, um, creams a good cream, of course, will have a humectant. Listerine is a nice natural humectant. I mean, if you were making something in your kitchen, you could use honey honey's, a humectant, things like that. Speaker 2 00:15:40 Well, that's good to know. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:15:42 We just, uh, No, that's a great face mask, by the way. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:15:47 So just go add some honey to some kind to your avocado and put it on your face. Exactly. <laugh>. Oh, no, I'm getting it. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:15:54 Look, I highly encourage fun in the kitchen with Yeah. Just what you can find. These things are great and they're, and that's the thing, I mean, I knew that I wanted something that was clean, so wouldn't harm my skin, but I didn't understand how truly beneficial it could be. You know, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't really expect the results to be as good as I think they are. But, um, you know, back to just people that I was, I was really getting like Turkey neck and crepey skin mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, um, just, just avoiding all of these harmful chemicals has, has done Oh, wonders. And then of course, the good ingredients, few wonders as well, just good ingredients. Speaker 2 00:16:41 That is, that is very, very interesting. You know, I think you've brought up some good information and good points that, uh, I never would've thought that if I didn't have that humectant in there with it, that that may why I wake up in the morning and my face looks drier or, or whatever than it did, you know, before I went to bed. And then I would go for the retinol to try to get rid of the wrinkles. <laugh> <laugh>, I'm perpetuating the problem. So Speaker 3 00:17:06 You saying you go in the sun, don't do it. Speaker 2 00:17:08 <laugh>. Yeah. So thank you All very good. Very good information and would be something easy to do and make that mistake. Um, so let's talk a little bit about the importance of magnesium. Speaker 3 00:17:23 Absolutely. Um, so it turns out that nearly 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. That was shocking to me. I didn't including children. And, um, we'll talk about that for a minute, just because I think it's so important, um, to understand that fact that, um, our food supply just isn't as rich as it used to be. I don't know, have you ever looked at a head of lettuce recently? It's not as green as it used to be, right? I mean, it's just lacking minerals and nutrition that it used to, and it's just because it's over overutilized and so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, our foods just don't have the same nutritional value that they used to. And, um, people will think that supplements are a good way to offset that deficiency. And sometimes they are. Magnesium, unfortunately is very hard to get into our bodies through, um, supplements that, that we digest because our digestive systems just aren't really compatible to them. Speaker 3 00:18:23 And, um, a mere 4% of the magnesium actually ever makes it into our bloodstream. Oh, wow. It's 4%. That's pretty low, right? Yeah. The other thing is that, um, you know, uh, when our bodies are so delicately balanced that, um, all of the supplements we take, well, I don't know, I'm sorry, I'll just talk, I'm talking in circles. But for example, if you're taking vitamin D, well, vitamin D uses magnesium, in fact, zinc, calcium, potassium, iodine, selenium, all, uh, all of these, all of these things that keep us healthy require at least one molecule of magnesium to get out of the starting gate. So magnesium is really a very key mineral. And everything we do, whether we're out in the sun, we're exercising, even if it's good for us, we're using magnesium, um, medications, eat up magnesium, and everybody's on some sort of mag medication these days. Speaker 3 00:19:26 I mean, it's really, it's really sad. Um, but that destroys magnesium levels. And so without magnesium, not only is that detrimental to us because 300 daily bodily functions require magnesium. 700 enzymatic functions require magnesium. So magnesium is a key player and we're all deficient in it. Um, now, and, and so what's the solution? Well, you can't eat it. You can't supplement with it. Um, actually topical magnesium is considered to be the second most effective way to get it magnesium directly into your bloodstream. So that's kind of exciting. The first one is, um, intravenous doctor's actually have begun implementing, implementing magnesium injections for patients who come in with the early stages of stroke or heart disease, um, to, to turn it around. Um, and, uh, and they claim that the second most effective method of getting magnesium into your system is transdermally through the skin. Uh, the other thing that I like about it is that, as I started to say earlier, you know, our bodies are such a, a balance that if we overdo one vitamin that can deplete another vitamin and, you know, and, and we're all off balance then. Whereas if you're using magnesium transdermally, your skin can absorb exactly what it needs. So you don't have to worry about overusing it or underusing it. So it's, it's a, it's an Speaker 2 00:21:02 Exciting That's a very good point. Yeah. That, so if somebody is using it, cuz I know some people might be saying, Well, I'm taking magnesium, right? But, so if, you know, worst case scenario, you're not gonna absorb some of the magnesium if you don't need it, but you've got the buttercream in there that's gonna really help your skin <laugh>. Exactly. But like you said, most people are only absorbing about 4%. So I doubt very seriously that your body's gonna find that it doesn't need it. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:21:26 I think most people really do, you know, in one form or another, you know, uh, insomnia, uh, you know, muscle aches. There are so many things that it controls, um, your cortisol levels, uh, it supports healthy hormones. Um, it fights inflammation. And inflammation is the basis of most disease, quite frankly. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it's, Speaker 2 00:21:48 Well, and I just listened to a podcast today by, um, that one of our local doctors, Dr. Deborah Matthews with Signature Wellness was in. And um, and it, it was talking about how cortisol can really throw off all of our hormones, um, and our sleep and everything. So having that magnesium to kind of help level everything out so that stress is not accelerating your aging process is, is really important. Um, I was also reading that you were talked about the restless leg, that 69% of people that have restless leg are magnesium deficient. So I guess that is why you're seeing such great results with restless leg with the product. Speaker 3 00:22:28 I was thrilled with that. That was, that was my first experience with the magnesium cream. Um, I was using it for that and I, I just rub it on the bottom of my feet and my calves. And, uh, the first night I used it, I slept like a baby. It was awesome. And, um, then I tried it. I have arthritis in my, in my hands that can be debilitating at times. And, um, to where you can't even touch the hand, it just hurts so bad. And I take the magnesium cream and I'll rub it into the joint and within five minutes brand new. It's ama, I mean it. Wow. I know. <laugh> those things. Quite frankly, Karen, you know, whenever my hand is throbbing like that, I even have a, Oh, I'll go get, I'll go try the cream, you know, Speaker 2 00:23:17 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:23:17 After I used it so many times, <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:23:21 Did you still have to force yourself to go get it <laugh>? Yeah, Speaker 3 00:23:24 I'm always amazed that it works, but yeah, it's the magnesium's. Brilliant. Speaker 2 00:23:30 I think you've done a good job of telling us why the transdermal works. Um, tell us a little bit more about your product though. Is there anything in particular about your magnesium that sets you apart from other products? Speaker 3 00:23:45 Uh, yes. Thank you for asking. Um, so there are other magnesium products out on the market, and some are very, very good. Um, but the one that I think really separates us from the others is that we use zine magnesium chloride. And what does that mean? Well, the magnesium is sourced from an agency bed that's over 250 million years old. It's landlocked. So a lot of the magnesium today is harvested from our oceans. But the problem with that is that our oceans were contaminated with the industrial revolution. And so not only are you harvesting, um, magnesium chloride, but you are harvesting all kinds of things like heavy metals and you know, things that, toxins that are very, very unhealthy of course. And so along with the magnesium, you're importing this into your body as well. And that's, that's just not a good thing. So is xte magnesium chloride, again, is this ancient seat bed that's in the Netherlands. And um, not only is it just pure wonderful magnesium, but it also retains the 90 plus trace minerals that I think are critical to making the product work because you can have lab manufactured magnesium and it's, it's pure Okay. But it doesn't have the 90 trace minerals. So I don't, I don't feel it's as effective. So I think it's really important. And as far as I know, scientists have not discovered another source of pure magnesium outside of the Stein ced. So that's the only, that's the only kind we use. Speaker 2 00:25:23 Oh, that's great. And that's in all of your products? Speaker 3 00:25:25 That's in all my products, absolutely. Speaker 2 00:25:28 Let's, let's talk a little bit more about what type of products that you have. Speaker 3 00:25:33 Well, I think my favorite and most popular one is the body butter. And, um, that sells very well, again, for so many different reasons people use it to, for so many different conditions. So that's, that's very popular. And, um, I have two face creams. One I have that is not for sensitive skin, and I put alpha hydroxy acids in there and they're just, again, great humectants and they just help, uh, eliminate dead surface skin cells and attract moisture to the skin. And then I have one for sensitive skin, a face cream for sensitive skin. And that one I put, um, that I mentioned it earlier, it's an ingredient called DMA e mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, uh, that's an exciting ingredient. Again, it, it's, um, something that your body produces naturally, but of course, you know, as we get older, our body stops producing so many things that <laugh> Yeah. Speaker 3 00:26:24 That we love in our youth <laugh>. But, uh, so, and this and that keeps your skin firm and it's, uh, it's pretty effective actually. The studies are impressive. Now I've been asked, why don't I just put them in the same product? Well, um, alpha hydroxy acids and DM ae do not get along well together. They don't really play very nicely <laugh>. So I keep them separate. And I have two separate, two separate face creams. Um, other than that I make soap. And, um, that's been, that's been a very, very popular item again, because so many of the soaps that are sold are just filled with these fragrances and these sulfates and all of these things that just Greek havoc on our skin. So, um, a lot of my customers really love the soaps and I get such good feedback just about how well their skin is doing on the soaps. It, I'll share a funny story. My husband is a navy, an ex submariner, Sam Marinna, and I never say that right. Is it Submariner or Sub Marin? Don't, Speaker 2 00:27:28 Don't tell him. I think it depends on what part of the country you're in. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:27:32 Anyway, he does this, this monthly chat with all of his ex-Navy buddies and they're all these big strapping hokey guys. And the last time they did this, they're talking about myself and my magnesium body butter and how good it's been for their skin. And I'm laughing Speaker 2 00:27:46 <laugh>, I love it. <laugh>. I love it. If you can get the rough and tough Navy guys then I'd say you about can get anybody. Absolutely. Speaker 3 00:27:56 And so, uh, so the soaps are a big thing and I, I make a facial cleanser then I'm pretty proud of. There's, uh, the oil cleansing method. I'm a big fan of, I don't know how many people know what that is, but basically all it is is you can go to your kitchen counter and you can pull out any oil from under your kitchen counter and slather it on your face. And then the key to this is you take a hot steaming washcloth and you put it on top of your face until it cools. Oh. And it just takes all your makeup off. It's like magic. But who wants to go to their kitchen cabinet and pull out sunflower oil and wash that face on Speaker 2 00:28:31 Right. Speaker 3 00:28:32 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:28:32 <laugh> just doesn't seem right Speaker 3 00:28:35 About that. No <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:28:37 So, Speaker 3 00:28:38 So I've developed this, uh, creamy oil facial cleanser that works the same way. Um, but it's really, it, it leaves your skin really well hydrated and without stripping it of any of its oils and it's a, it's a good product. So I have a few few that we're pretty proud of. Speaker 2 00:28:54 Now as, just to go back to the one where you're talking about the, um, the creams for the skin mm-hmm. <affirmative> with the DMA and then I think you said alpha hydroxy acid in it. Do they do the same thing? So are they both, like if you do have kind of crepey wrinkly skin, are they both gonna serve that purpose or do they have different purposes? Speaker 3 00:29:16 They have the same purpose? I think it's really, um, a personal preference. You know, uh, the alpha hydroxy acid, people like to, sometimes people just like to think to feel the product working and you can, you can feel the alpha hydroxy acid Yeah. <laugh> on your skin, you can. And uh, so, so I think that's popular for that reason. And it is working. It is a very good ingredient. It's very good. And it alpha hydroxy acid actually works in conjunction with the niacinamide that I put in that cream as well. And niacin is a really, uh, great cell regenerator and the two of them work really well together, so that's a pretty popular one. Now I do also use Niacinamide in the one that has DMA in it. So the Nimmi is, is a Q player in that as well. But it's just nicer on sensitive skin. Um, you know, if you have any kind of, uh, if your skin is eer easily irritated and you, and you don't wanna feel the burn, um, you'd want the dma. And I think a lot of people who just can appreciate that. And if you have, um, acne or any kind of eczema, you wouldn't wanna use an alpha hydroxy acid. Actually, it would be a little harsh. So the DMA is very, very great for sensitive skin. It's excellent for sensitive skin. Anybody can use it. Speaker 2 00:30:35 Okay. Well great. And then I know one of my personal favorites is your bubble bath. Speaker 3 00:30:41 Oh, thank you. I almost forgot to mention the bubble bats. Yeah. One of my favorites too. And Karen, I'm on a mission to bring back bubble bats. What happens to bubble bats? Are we a society that we don't have time to take a bubble bath? I mean, <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:30:56 I think some of it may be those harsh chemicals you're talking about too. You get out, you don't feel very good Speaker 3 00:31:02 <laugh>. I know it's true, right? Um, yeah, No, I use, um, the zine, magnesium chloride, but I also, uh, put milks in my, in my baths and I've got a couple of different ones. One is a milk bath and uh, you know, I mean that dates back to Cle apa and, and oh really, societies, right? I mean they, they were big on milk baths and there's a lot to, there's a lot to that because there's a lot of lactic acid in milk, so it is really good for your skin. That's again, on the same realm as alpha hydroxy acids. Um, so that one is very moisturizing and I use, um, a coconut milk in it as well. And coconut, coconut milk just smells yummy and it's really moisturized. You don't even need the skin cream. Don't tell anyone that, but <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:31:47 That's Speaker 3 00:31:47 Awesome. Don't tell it now. <laugh>, you don't even need cream when you get outta that one. That one's really great. And then, um, I have a sea salt one that just, uh, is Himalaya and sea salts and the Dead Sea salt bats. And so they're really rich in, uh, nutrients as well. So that with the magnesium, it's just, you know, if you really need a boost of energy, that's a great one. And uh, and then I have, um, a green tea and uh, green tea is just huge antioxidants. And that one I actually put in a tea bag and Speaker 2 00:32:24 Uh Oh, fun. Speaker 3 00:32:25 Yeah. And that, that's kind of fun. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:32:29 So it just floats around in the bathtub with Speaker 3 00:32:31 You. It just kind of floats around in the bathtub and it get what you want. And it's, I like, I like that cuz it leaves the tub nice and clean. You don't really really have to worry about, you know, cleaning out. But I like the bubbles. I have to admit, I'm kind of a fan of bubbles, so <laugh>, I don't really mind washing down the tub after I'm done. It's Speaker 2 00:32:48 All about the, I can say I, I might like the idea of cleaning the tub too, then you're kinda doing two things at once, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:32:53 Exactly. That's true too. That's true. Speaker 2 00:32:56 I can say though, my skin feels, I've done the one with the goat milk and stuff in it and it's, my skin feels so soft when I get out. Um, so I don't really feel like I need to go put on any kind of lotions or creams or anything after I get out of, out of one of those bubble baths. So that Speaker 3 00:33:12 One's good. Oh, and I have an oatmeal one too I almost forgot to mention. And oatmeal. You know, here's the thing, I'm gonna do a little promotion on oatmeal because once again, it's just such a fabulous ingredient. I don't know if you remember Karen, but when we were little, our mothers used oatmeal if we had chicken pox. Right. Anything, It's really a really great, um, ingredient for soothing irritated skin. If you have sunburn, oatmeal is just wonderful. And, um, and people think, oh, oatmeal. But it's, it's not your traditional oatmeal that you eat for breakfast, it's colloidal oatmeal. So it's an extremely finely ground powder and uh, it's just really, really great for the skin and, uh, just really healing, especially for children if they're, again, if they're, if they're dealing with dry skin or anything that's irritating. Bug bites, sunburn, it's a really good one. So I might have to send you one of those as well. Speaker 2 00:34:04 Those are, those are all good reasons to get into an oatmeal bath, I'm sure poison ivy and anything that causes your skin to be itchy, um, that it could be soothing. Speaker 3 00:34:13 Exactly. Speaker 2 00:34:16 Well, I know that I've been hearing great things about your product, you know, that people, and we've kind of have touched on some of the things that people, um, are experiencing as a result of using the products. But would you like to highlight maybe one or two good experiences that you've gotten feedback from people who have used them? Speaker 3 00:34:33 I think, um, one of the most exciting responses I got for the magnesium body butter is, um, a friend of a friend was going through chemotherapy and the treatments were causing the bottom of her feet to, to burn. They were on fire of unite and she couldn't sleep and it was just so uncomfortable and none of the, um, medications that the doctors were giving her were helping. And, uh, she tried the magnesium body butter and it worked and that was well That's awesome. That was really exciting. Um, I think it's also, I've, I have a lot of, uh, customers who, uh, like I said, have a lot of skin conditions like eczema and just, just really hard, you know, it's just a horrible thing to have to deal with. And, uh, and they use steroids and steroid right's a harsh, you know, I mean, they're not, they're not great for you, you know? Speaker 3 00:35:24 Right. But if it's the only thing that works, you're can eat in, they're expensive. Um, but, uh, so many have been able to give up the steroids because of the magnesium cream and the soaps. The combination's just a really powerful one, two punch and, um, yeah, they just don't deal with it anymore. So that's, that's very exciting. Um, my, uh, I have a client who had, was going to a dermatologist because of a dark spot on her forehead, an older lady. And, uh, and they kept removing it and it would come back with a vengeance. And, uh, she used the magnesium body butter and she would, I, I don't know why that worked, but it did, and it, it eliminated the dark spot. Magnesium is just really cool. It's just, so I've Speaker 2 00:36:12 That's, that's exciting stuff. I was gonna say, but I, I do wanna remind everybody though that the things, this is a natural product, so it has not been evaluated by the fda, but all the statistics and everything that you've mentioned today and, and the research, I mean, there are physicians who are doing research on these products and that's where your information has come from. Is that correct? Speaker 3 00:36:34 Absolutely. I make no claims. I am not a physician. Um, I have gone from what experts in the field have said, and, um, that's, that's where I got my information and that's what led me to even wanna try this. And then it's just personal experience. So no, I, I make no medical claims about it. These are just, this is just fun feedback and I just think, um, you know, Mother Nature really knows her stuff. <laugh>, he just really Speaker 2 00:37:02 Knows, knows what you need. Speaker 3 00:37:04 She's good. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:37:06 God did a good job when he put all that stuff together, kind of gave us everything we need. Right, Speaker 3 00:37:11 <laugh>. Absolutely. Speaker 2 00:37:13 Well, Darlene, I, this has been great information and I, I have learned a lot. And like I said, if anybody goes to your website, I think they will learn a wealth of information on natural products. And what's good for you, and you really are, are somebody who gives and shares you. You're not trying to keep this information to yourself. And so I think you've created a great company and you've done a great thing. Um, you know, as a woman owned business, um, you know, I'm excited about these products, Thank, so tell everybody if they wanna find you, if they want to, you know, look at the products, where can they find you? Speaker 3 00:37:47 Absolutely. Um, you can go to rka and that's R E V E K A And, um, there's a way to contact me on the website and if you have any questions, you wanna know anything, I just love hearing from my customers. I really consider everybody, I call it my Rebecca Skincare family. And I really feel that way. I really do. I have a vested interest in everybody's story, so reach out with any questions you wanna ask. I'm always happy to respond. Speaker 2 00:38:18 Well again, thank you for being here, and as one of our listeners, uh, Darlene has offered for everybody who's listening to receive a discount. So if you do go on her website, just put in s a v e 10 and that will give you a 10% discount off of, uh, her products. So we just wanna thank everybody for listening today. And well, I guess it's off of the, the Body Better Products, um, is what the Safe 10 will give you. Um, but we wanna thank everybody for listening today and thank you for joining the conversation. And again, as Darlene said, if you have questions, you can contact her through her website. We'll give you the website. Again, it's So until our next podcast, we hope everybody takes care. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Take care. Thanks dad. Bye bye. Byebye, Speaker 1 00:39:17 Thank you for joining us today and we hope you enjoyed this podcast. Make sure to like us on Facebook at Lifestyle Physical Therapy, llc, and on Instagram and Twitter at Lifestyle PT two. Until next time, stay connected and be well.

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